Monday, February 27, 2012

As I sit here contemplating my day...

I can't help but be mildly happy I wasn't t-boned by the red pick-up truck this morning... it totally would have ruined my day. Not kidding though, that jerk pulled right out disregarding his stop sign because he couldn't see through the tunnel, saw me, and kept going. Good thing I have catlike reflexes! Crisis averted!

I made it through yet another day of office tasks and Pinterest oogling. And by oogling I mean drooling over the food and drinks section. I have a huge page of recipes to try and if I end up trying them, I'll surely gain 50 pounds straight to my ass. BOOM! ass fat. Whatever we all know I'll get around to trying the recipes slowly. Let me know if you want a pinterest invite and don't feel like waiting the day or less to get an invite from the site.

So it was absolutely lovely out today... I almost ran outside. Almost as in not quite. I'm afraid running outside is going to kick my ass now since I've been a baby and have been treadmill running, elipticalling, and stationary biking at Retro. But there is such a huge difference in the ease of running outside vs a treadmill. I am straight up suicidal on a treadmill (or as the famous Mart-o would call it.... the DREADMILL). But once I get outside I'm relaxed, I'm happy (for the most part), I have the sun in my face and breeze activating my lovely wings (aka my obnoxious wispy hairs that frame my face). Insert happy memory from senior year with Casey Hess acting out my life, eating a snickers bar, and walking towards an extremely attractive person. ANYWAY, soon my hour long torture periods of doing cardio in a stuffy room with strangers will be over and I will be running outside! And running hills! And hopefully shrinking my thunder thighssss!

I just made a really nice dinner. Three egg omelet with fresh spinach, a little Monterrey jack cheese, big glass of chocolate milk with a scoop of strawberry protein mix, and a biscuit. oh and I forgot to mention a lot of bbq sauce 'cause I'm silly and don't like eggs much. Yeahhh buddy, breakfast for dinner like a boss.

Throwing in some nostalgia... happy times and a flat stomach. 

Keep it real, my dears. Oh and I'm so excited for Jim Taylor!!!!! AH!!!

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