Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who was I kidding? Absolutely no one.

I must have had something seriously wrong with me to actually think I could give up drinking over St. Patty's Day... well good news, I gave up at least two weeks before that! Yay for failure. But to see the positive in the situation, I've changed my diet, got myself running outside again, and on Monday I started Insanity. So far, so so so so sore in my calves. There's a reason for that, I'll come back to it.

My new goal is having fun while taking care of myself. Lots of water, veggies and fruits, high cardio workouts, punishment runs for drinking excessive amounts. Had a bonfire about two weeks ago... made myself run the next morning UP cemetery rd (from where I live) which is a big ass hill, followed by a long ass gradual hill. That's what I get for nearly lighting my yard (and possibly house) on fire, getting the cops and fire dept called on me, THEN knocking back like ten beers, and making a fool of myself as usual.

Oh and to finish the calves complaining from above... I recently read Born to Run by Chris McDougall and ohmyGOD, I could NOT put it down. He is such a compelling writer and it was so interesting that I pretty much marathon read the entire book. I want to read it again (maybe I will start tonight)! For those who aren't familiar, the book covers a whole lot of topics that are interconnect: this super awesome tribe of unnaturally awesome runners in Mexico, the super athletic nut jobs who run ultra marathons (50 & up miles), running barefoot (or at least without traditional running shoes), the evolution of homo sapiens to be natural marathoners (AH!), and so much more. So yeah, I decided to start doing more things barefoot, which includes Insanity, which means after only one day of bopping around on the balls of my bare feet (that never get that much action lol) my calves were tightttttttt today. After TWO days of bopping around on the balls of my feet, I can barely flex my toes back towards my knees. Tomorrow is going to be roughhh. And if you're wondering, Insanity is pretty tough. In no way, shape, or form can I do every part of the workout all the way through with no breaks. Give a sista a break though, some exercises are ridiculously hard to do after one or two or three sets. But I think I'll be able to stay with it. Just have to figure out how and when and where I'll do my Friday and Saturday workouts ... cause guess what???

It's finally JT weekend!!!!Yayayayay!
Starting off an extended weekend tomorrow down in Glenside, PA going to the Guster concert with my old Hood buddy Mr. Steve Delaney. Next, meeting up with Nate after and crashing at his place before we head to SU on Friday and begin our challenge of finding someplace to crash for the night while drinking of course. Saturday is the meet where we will OF COURSE daydrink (discretely Marto) and cheer on our pride and joy, the SU Crusaders. I'm going to head up to the lax game as well and watch my good ol' neighbor Carl tear it up against conference rival Goucher I believe. Then a fabulously rowdy night of drinking and home again Sunday. I miss college, but HEY, I got into grad school so I have another year and a half (granted the first year is NOT traditional college/grad school).

Okay that was really long, doubt anyone will read it or read it all the way through buttttttt, it felt nice to update.

Keep it real and always love,


Friday, March 2, 2012

I kind of cheated...

....which makes me a failure. BUT HEAR ME OUT! I had signed up for my first Susquehanna University alum event weeks before I had this grand idea to be sober for a month. It was held last night at the River Horse Brewery in Lambertville, NJ and I've always wanted to try their beers because their hippopotamus logo is so cute! (Such a great reason to try a beer... "Why, you had me at 'hippo'...").
Come on, how adorable!
And a hippo dressed up like a yeti... i love it!

 So I made myself a deal. I would still go and I would sip their samples and not drink the whole cups and it wouldn't be cheating. Yeahhhh, well then I really liked their double wit and I loveddddd their chocolate porter, which is part of their brewer's reserve series. Seriously, I was so screwed after the first sip of double wit, and I just threw in the cards after the chocolate porter hit my tongue. 

So I cheated. I got tipsy last night. 

Damn it. 

I'm debating whether to keep with this sober thing or not. The idea of missing St. Patrick's Day is slightly killing me. What if I don't drink until the end of March EXCEPT for St. Patty's Day... there's still a lot of days to not drink?

Weigh in my friends and go ahead, tell me I'm a failure. 

Oh and if you want an interesting side story, I was told by two creeping alumni from like 1986 that I won the hottest alumni contest... and then one of their wives walked up and they didn't notice and I had to turn away to keep from laughing in their faces. Silly men...